Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Don't Be Common and Kids All Messed Up

It seems that all I ever do is yearn for days gone by, or rather the way it was in the "old days". I guess that one would call that living in the past, but I can't help myself. The 70’s and 80’s were a great time to grow up. 

I feel sorry for my kids and their friends. I took my 12-year-old and his friends to a football game the other night and they sat in the back seat of my truck texting each other. And they were in the same vehicle. I guess it's just strange to me. 

The kids grow up fast today, but in a different way than I did. I had my first beer and cigarette in the third grade. Now they grow up fast by learning technology and seeing stuff that they shouldn't be seeing. 

 I was very concerned with fitting in with my sister's friends. She was 3 years older than me and I never wanted to be silly around them or to seem immature. There was an expression that everyone used where I grew up in Maryland, and that was, "Don't be common".  When you do something that's not cool or it's immature, that's called being common. My big fear was having one of my sister's friends call me common. Here is the definition that I just found "The quality of being common in the sense of vulgar, coarse or low class." Like farting in the car when everyone is in it. That's common. Or spitting on the sidewalk. I thought we made up the expression in Maryland.  Side note: I talk about Maryland a lot like its Valhalla. It used to be when I was growing up. The Eastern Shore is still cool and certain other parts. Now where I grew up is a shitty place. Crime and ugly. Sad.

Phones have changed a lot of things for kids. Today, kids have porn at their fingertips. No matter how hard parents try to block it, the kids can figure out how to see it. We had the Sears catalog women's underwear section and somebody's father's old Playboy. You had to have some serious imagination with the Sears catalog. I remember one kid had a ballpoint pen that when you twisted it, would have a girl take her clothes off.  Twist it up and she had clothes. Twist it down, no clothes. Popular kid. You know that seeing shit like our kids see at a young age is screwing their brains up forever. 

Writing this, I started thinking about my sister's friends. She had a boyfriend one time who liked to go hunting, so we used to go together. I was in my 20s at the time. Everyone called him "Ticket", and I'm not sure why.  He was around 5'8 and 125 pounds. Spindly, but I liked him. He was Southern Maryland to the core, crazy strong accent. Anyway, he had knee surgery and was on crutches. We were hunting public land in Maryland and there were a few duck blinds on the property but all were taken, so we were sitting back in the bushes hoping a duck would fly by. Ticket said that he would go see if any of the blinds were open. "Okay, I said, shoot in the air twice if one is open."  He hobbled away. 

Some time went by and we heard one shot and figured it wasn't Ticket, because I had told him to shoot twice. After a while, when Ticket never came back, I went looking for him.  I found him lying in the mud, unable to get up. "The blind is open," he said, looking up at me, his crutch sticking straight up in the air and his gun lying across his chest.  "I thought you were gonna shoot twice,"  I said. "What happened?" He said, "When I shot my shotgun, it knocked me on my ass and I couldn't get up out of the mud." I was thinking that he still could have shot again from lying on his back, but didn't say it, figuring that would piss him off. Later on, he took a crap in the woods and my Labrador went and rolled in it. Yes, it was nasty. 

Back to the kids. Kids today are all messed up and it's a big plan by the elites of the world to make them slaves to porn and technology and not realize that they are controlled by them all. Make the little boys hate being men and feed them shit in the food that feminizes them and makes them nice and docile so they can keep them in the basement while they take over even more than they have already taken over. Our government is full of people who hate you whether you think that they love your agenda or not. They are just fucking with you and robbing us blind and you are too stupid to realize it. But good luck with your dreams of a new world. You can't trust anyone who acts like they are "in charge" or with a title. You can't trust anyone except maybe your family and a few friends to really look out for you,  especially when money and power are involved. 

So to summarize, kids need to shoot guns and fight and stay out in the sun and chop wood and stay off them damn phones and look at the Sears catalog or a pen that takes off clothes when you twist it. 

All About Being a Lifer

What's a Lifer? Someone who isn't in to something for just a day, a month, a's for life. Whether its training or your family or your doesn't matter. You work at it, you build on it, you see the big picture . You don't miss workouts because it means something to you. You are like a Shakespearean actor- no matter what is going on in your life, you block it out when it's time to train. You walk into the weight room and all else disappears. Worry about it later.