Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rob Wagner Meet Coverage

Here is some  meet coverage of one of Bas' Barbell's contributing writers  Dr. Rob Wagner. Rob is a technician and a damn fine coach. Note the squat speed!  I was fortunate enough to train with him for a few years, but I actually forgot how freaking strong he was, especially at a light bodyweight. I will get him to write up his most productive training cycle when he gets a chance. (Video courtesy of wfrice1 off of youtube)

All About Being a Lifer

What's a Lifer? Someone who isn't in to something for just a day, a month, a year...it's for life. Whether its training or your family or your job...it doesn't matter. You work at it, you build on it, you see the big picture . You don't miss workouts because it means something to you. You are like a Shakespearean actor- no matter what is going on in your life, you block it out when it's time to train. You walk into the weight room and all else disappears. Worry about it later.